We provide our clients with a full spectrum of services to support their Financial Plans.
Our policy with regards to fees payable for our services are as follows: Clients whose assets under management exceed $500,000 qualifies for our portfolio of services at no additional cost. Otherwise the Standard Rates will apply.
- Personal Contact With You: Our goal is to visit with you quarterly to answers questions, review your financial planning goals and objectives, review portfolio allocations, etc. Our top priority is to understand your needs and provide responsible solutions thereby allowing you greater peace of mind now and in the years to come. Our formal Client Services Policy is as follows:
- Comprehensive Financial Plan Review: We plan to meet with you at least once per year to discuss and review your personal financial planning goals. Reviewing your comprehensive financial plan periodically will allow us to take the necessary steps to keep you on track with respect to your financial and lifestyle needs.
- Investment Portfolio Review: We plan to meet with you at least once per year to review your investment portfolio. This meeting will usually follow the comprehensive financial plan review by six months.
- Interim Telephone Calls: During the calendar quarter in-between the preceding two meetings we will contact you to answer questions, discuss problems, and follow-up on items that may be “in the works”. You are also encouraged to call us anytime you feel necessary. (No Charge).
- Regulatory Requirements: Making sure we comply with governmental reporting requirements in order to help you avoid costly penalties and annoying IRS audits.
- IRA Required Minimum Distribution: When you reach age 70 ½ the IRS requires that you begin taking Required Minimum Distributions from your qualified plans (i.e., IRA’s, TSA’s, 401k’s etc). We will calculate these figures for you, prepare appropriated recommendations, and complete all paperwork required for your signature. Remember, the IRS penalty of inadequate RMDs is 50% in addition to regular taxes and interest charges.
- Annual Tax Reporting: We will work closely with you and/ or your CPA to be sure you have all reports necessary to help prepare your annual income tax return. For example, ” the 1099 report” we prepare is especially useful because we track the cost basis of your investments- including all purchases, redemptions and reinvested dividends & capital gains- thereby eliminating hours of tedious searching and calculating. We trust your CPA will find these reports useful and possibly even reduce the fees charged to prepare your tax return.
- Required Trust Distributions: As appropriate, we will communicate with your attorney to be sure assets are properly registered and required distributions are made in a timely manner. This is especially critical with “exemption” (or “bypass”) trusts established at the time of a spouse’s death.
- Reporting: Forensic Portfolio Reports are sent to you on an annual basis. This report is all-inclusive of your entire portfolio holdings. Portfolio Reallocation Outlines: Your portfolio is monitored closely. When we believe modifications are needed, we will prepare recommendations for your review and approval.
- Automatic Monthly Withdrawals: Most of our clients who are enjoying the rewards of retirement are withdrawing funds from their portfolio on a monthly basis. These funds are automatically deposited into their checking account via the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) system. We closely monitor the status of these withdrawals to be sure adequate funds are available to meet the monthly demand.
- Newsletters: You will receive periodic emailed newsletters containing information we find both timely and relevant.
- Administrative Services: In addition to scheduled meetings and fulfilling regulatory requirements, we provide numerous services that are more administrative in nature, but very important nonetheless.
We believe our Client Services Policy is a valuable asset to you and are pleased to offer these services as part of our ongoing commitment to provide a level of service that can’t be matched.